Joachim Duyndam



Geuzinge, R., Visse, M., Duyndam, J., & Vermetten, E. (2024). The role of group formation and interpersonal connections in support: A qualitative analysis of social structures in emergency services organizations and hospital-based emergency settings. SAGE Open, 14(4).


Duyndam, J.
, & Machielse, A. (Eds.) (2024). Meaning and aging: Humanist perspectives. (Studies in Humanism and Atheism). Palgrave MacMillan. 

Duyndam, J., & Machielse, A. (2024). Introduction. In J. Duyndam & A. Machielse (Eds.), Meaning and aging: Humanist perspectives (pp. 1-9). (Studies in Humanism and Atheism). Palgrave MacMillan.

Geuzinge, R., Visse, M., Vermetten, E., & Duyndam, J. (2024). Differentiating social environments of high-risk professionals and specialised nurses: A qualitative empirical study on social embeddedness. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1), Article 2306792. 


Dijke van, J., Nistelrooij van, I., Bos, P., & Duyndam, J. (2023). Engaging otherness: Care ethics radical perspectives on empathy. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 26, 385–399. 


Dijke van, J., Duyndam, J., Nistelrooij van, I., & Bos, P. (2023). “Genuine and fundamentally human”: A qualitative study into Dutch humanist chaplains’ conceptualizations of empathy. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, 30(2), 89-106. 


Dangermond, K., Weewer, R., Duyndam, J., & Machielse, A. (2023). “The profession Is just different”: Why noncareer and career firefighters have different experiences with critical incidents, and the role of informal peer support in processing them. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 54(2), 147-155. 


Dangermond, K., Weewer, R., Duyndam, J., & Machielse, A. (2022). “A sight you’ll never forget”: Why firefighters experience certain incidents as critical and the impact of such incidents on individual firefighters and fire crews. International Journal of Emergency Management, 17(3-4), 296-312. 


Dangermond, K., Weewer, R., Duyndam, J., & Machielse, A. (2022). “If it stops, then I’ll start worrying”: Humor as part of the fire service culture, specifically as part of coping with critical incidents. Humor, 35(1), 31-50. 


Dangermond, K., Weewer, R., Duyndam, J., & Machielse, A. (2022). “The problem hasn’t changed, but you’re no longer left to deal with it on your own”: The role of informal peer support in helping firefighters cope with critical incidents. International Journal of Emergency Services, 11(2), 300-311.


Dijke van, J., Duyndam, J., Nistelrooij van, I., & Bos, P. (2022). Empathic flow: Dutch humanist chaplains’ experiences with professional empathy and its challenges. Pastoral Psychology, 72(1), 1-22. 


Dijke van, J., Duyndam, J., Nistelrooij van, I., & Bos, P. (2022). “We need to talk about empathy”: Dutch humanist chaplains’ perspectives on empathy’s functions, downsides, and limitations in chaplaincy care. Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 76(1), 15-28. 


Machielse, A., & Duyndam, J. (2021). Attuning to the needs of structural socially isolated older adults with complex problems: The experiences of social workers with personal guidance trajectories for a less-researched group. Health and Social Care in the Community, 29(1), 800-808. 


Schoor van der, Y., Duyndam, J., Witte, T., & Machielse, A. (2021). “What’s important to me is to get people moving”: Fostering social resilience in people with severe debt problems. European Journal of Social Work, 25(4), 592-604.

Elbers, E., Baur, V., Winkel te, B., & Duyndam, J. (2021). Embodied resilience: A phenomenological perspective. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 21(1). 


Dijke van, J., Nistelrooij van, I., Bos, P., & Duyndam, J. (2020). Towards a relational conceptualization of empathy. Nursing Philosophy, 21(3). 


Geuzinge, R., Visse, M., Duyndam, J., & Vermetten, E. (2020). Social embeddedness of firefighters, paramedics, specialized nurses, police officers, and military personnel: Systematic review in relation to the risk of traumatization. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1-20. Article 496663. 


Machielse, A., & Duyndam, J. (2020). Strategies of socially isolated older adults: Mechanisms of emergence and persistence. Journal of Aging Studies, 53 


Rooijen van, M., Lensvelt-Mulders, G. J. L. M., Wyver, S., & Duyndam, J. (2019). Professional attitudes towards children’s risk-taking in play: Insights into influencing factors in Dutch contexts. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 20(2), 138-154.

Dijke van, J., Nistelrooij van, I., Bos, P., & Duyndam, J. (2018). Care ethics: An ethics of empathy? Nursing Ethics, 26(5), 1282-1291.

Elbers, E., & Duyndam, J. (2018). Haptonomy and resilience: A literature overview. International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy. 


Duyndam, J., & Pruchno, R. (2018). Social isolation and resilience. Innovation in Aging, 2(1), 25.

Duyndam, J., Korte, A.-M., & Poorthuis, M. (Eds.) (2016). Sacrifice in modernity: Community, ritual, identity: From nationalism and nonviolence to health care and Harry Potter (Studies in Theology and Religion, Vol. 22). Brill. 


Duyndam, J., Korte, A.-M., & Poorthuis, M. (2016). Sacrifice in modernity: Community, ritual, identity. In J. Duyndam, A.-M. Korte, & M. Poorthuis, (Eds.), Sacrifice in Modernity: Community, Ritual, Identity: From nationalism and nonviolence to health care and Harry Potter (pp. 3-14). Brill. 


Prevoo, R., & Duyndam, J. (2016). Das Opferthier das nicht vergebens fällt: The Meaning of sacrifice in Friedrich Hölderlins Der Tod des Empedokles. In J. Duyndam, A.-M. Korte, & M. Poorthuis, (Eds.), Sacrifice in modernity: Community, ritual, identity: From nationalism and nonviolence to health care and Harry Potter (pp. 71-88). Brill. 


Duyndam, J., & Riessen van, R. (Eds.) (2011). Proceedings of the international memorial conference in honour of Nasr Abu Zayd: How can a humanistic approach to Islam be realized? Mededelingen van de Levinas Studiekring: Journal of the Dutch-Flemish Levinas Society, 16. 


Duyndam, J., & Papastephanou, M. (2010). Introduction: Ideals today. In H. Frendo (Ed.), The European Mind: Narrative and Identity (pp. 651-653). University of Malta Press.

Oeverbeek, J., & Duyndam, J. (2005). E. Levinas (1906-1995): A supplementary primary and secondary bibliography (1990-2005), Mededelingen van de Levinas Studiekring: Journal of the Dutch-Flemish Levinas Society, 10, 5-112. 



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